Last year between September and November, I've spent much of my time working on an open source project, React Redux, to help with rewriting the doc. We've written a completely new Basic Tutorial, a piece for mapState
, mapDispatch
, respectively. One of the maintainers wrote a Why React Redux that goes through its design intentions. He has also written a blog post about the history and the development of React Redux that so interesting that you absolutely have to read. And since v6 has landed in December, we've updated the docs around that as well.
What I've Learned 🤔
- 🤔 I know every little about the two libraries
- 🔮 Appreciate the design and implementation of the public APIs
- 👍 They're constantly adapting to changes
- ❤️ People are putting tremendous work into helping each other
I am, however, by no means an expert in this topic. On the contrary, throughout this process I've really learned how little I know about react redux although both redux and react redux are relatively small libraries.
And by writing the doc I've also learned to appreciate some of the design and implementation of the APIs. They are really really interesting and I cannot help but wanting to share with everyone.
So this is what this talk is about.
React Redux in Four Nutshells
🌰 Barebone Redux
Recall the store
APIs here. Have you ever wondered about this question: How come we're using redux everyday, but we're not using any of those APIs? We'll talk about this later but I'd like to say here that React Redux is doing a lot of work here.
To use Redux with any UI, we need to:
- get the
state - get notified whenever the store state changes
- interact with the store
Consider the naive implementation as follows:
import { createStore } from "redux";
// assuming we've implemented a simple "counter" reducer
// this is just Redux
const store = createStore(counter);
// get store state
// document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `counter: ${store.getState()}`;
function render() {
document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `counter: ${store.getState()}`;
// get notified
// interact
document.addEventListener("click", () => {
store.dispatch({ type: "INCREMENT" });
// initial render
Using with React
Let's look at a connect.js explained by Dan Abramov.
// first, put `store` somewhere
// answer: context
// You call it like connect(mapState, mapDispatch)(Component)
function connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) {
return function (WrappedComponent) {
// It returns a component
return class extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
// that renders your component
{/* with its props */}
{/* and additional props calculated from Redux store */}
{...mapStateToProps(store.getState(), this.props)}
{...mapDispatchToProps(store.dispatch, this.props)}
componentDidMount() {
// it remembers to subscribe to the store so it doesn't miss updates
this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(this.handleChange.bind(this))
componentWillUnmount() {
// and unsubscribe later
handleChange() {
// and whenever the store state changes, it re-renders
// but in reality `connect` is optimized such that
// it only re-renders when the data it needs changed
🌰 Performance Optimizations & mapState
This part of the talk roughly follows Connect: Extracting Data with mapStateToProps
🌰 Declarative API & mapDispatch
This part of the talk roughly follows Connect: Extracting Data with mapStateToProps
🌰 React Redux v6
This part of the talk roughly follows Upgrading to React-Redux v6: Around the New Context API
Below are the links I mentioned that you may be interested in reading: